Sunday, December 5, 2010

Summary of this week's activities - w/c 1 December

Hello everyone

Jenny, Steavie and I had a very productive - if very long - meeting this morning via Skype to work out where we are and what still needs to be done. So please see below. 

Just to quickly sum up what we did today and some decisions we have taken:

We ran through the latest version of the presentation slide by slide, amending order / wording where necessary. We also ran through Lili's slides and worked out what we could use in the final presentation and referred to the email that Tom sent through last week to see what else we have to include.

Presentation - overall:

We have decided that we'll produce a new version of the presentation, which removes the script i.e. the exact words that we will be saying and replace these with much shorter and punchier headings / captions. 

We'll produce a separate document using the words presently in the presentation, which will be our script for the day. I'll do both of the above tonight and then post them on the Skydrive so everyone knows where we're at.

Presenting on the day:

We think it's really important that we all get an opportunity to present in the final presentation. Once I've pulled together the whole script, I'll divide it up into sections. I think it's quickest and easiest if I allocate sections for everyone, but if anyone is unhappy with the section they get then we can definitely juggle. So please let me know if you're unhappy. It's important that everyone is comfortable with their section and everyone's clear about what we want to communicate.

You'll then need to more or less learn the script for that section by heart (i.e. word for word) so that we can be sure that we're saying exactly what we want to say, and importantly, so that we don't run over the 7 minutes.

Creating a bit of drama/theatre on the day(!):

Jenny has had the brainwave that we should look like serious, professional designers when we present, so that we can convincingly play to the role of trying to sell the idea to clients. Therefore, please come dressed in your SMARTEST, BUSINESS SUIT on the day. We need to power-dress! If you don't have a suit then please wear the smartest outfit you would wear to an office... 

Jenny has found the music to The Apprentice, which will accompany our entrance for the presentation. Whilst this is playing we will pull out Simon's brick (dramatically) and each  place some moss around it so that it is transformed from a semi-naked state to one of full green dress. We will then pour some water into the brick. And, that's as theatrical as we're getting. 

If anyone has a brief case they don't mind pulling the brick out of then please let me know. If not I can use my laptop case (and give it a good wash afterwards!)

On Wednesday:

We're going to have to practise running through the presentation several times on Wednesday morning to check we're running to time.

We will also need to insert the music into the presentation as well as cut a clip from our CAD vis film on Wednesday morning to insert.

PLEASE MEET AT 9.00AM IN THE SOUTH STUDIO. Please make sure you arrive on time as we all need to be there to be able to do anything. 

Please see below for everyone's tasks. Please could you try to complete your tasks and get the new materials to me before close of play Tuesday so that I can insert them into the presentation. 

- Cost plan
- Amendments to five element plans, as explained by Tom a couple of weeks ago (at least it'll be the very last time!)
- Modify +300 years model that already made (we thought it would be good to include this as our morphology model, explaining that few changes have been made to the morphology of the site. We don't think we've got time to produce another model at this stage). Perhaps it just needs a new Recreation Dock area (I think I saw you dismantling that area) and anything else you can think of in light of the vision plan. Certainly don't want this to be much work for you and we can use the photos of the first iteration of the model if you'd prefer.
- Sketch design for canals from docks as described in last blog entry - do you have time for this? If not I can just take a photo of my Recreation Dock model which had some canals leading off it.
- We think you produced the Vision Plan with Lili last week? Please could you write the script to accompany it and send it to me to slot into the overall script. I'm happy to write the caption after that, unless you'd like to as you know the main points.

- + 30 years Vision Plan. (We're assuming the Vision Plan from your presentation is for +300 years but we definitely need one for +30 years also).
- Put green roofs on both Vision Plans (i.e. +30 and +300 years) to clearly illustrate the idea of the 'flowering forest'. Please send your greened Vision Plan for +300 years to Jenny as soon as possible as she'll need this to produce her location slides (see below).
- Include a connecting green bridge from the Greenwich Penninsula (O2) to the Recreation Dock on your 300+ year Vision Plan (we are mentioning this later in the presentation - see Steavie's slide with the train link).
- Ideally, we would also like an existing site plan in the same style as your Vision Plans, but know you're under time pressure this week. Therefore, if you have time please do produce this. If you don't have time, please could you produce a slide for the presentation which simply has the same Google map image that you've got behind your Vision Plan. We can use that.

- Produce one slide per element, using the +300 year Vision Plan as a base to show where each of the interventions are taking place.
- Download Apprentice music.

- Find new images to accompany each of the key 5 opportunities.  You can send these to me once you've selected them and I'll add them to the presentation.
- Habitat plan. This will cover the Ecology Dock, will run through the new residential area south of the Ecology Dock and will cover the area to the Thames and into the Thames.  

- Redo Sketch Design for the Community Garden. We feel it's important that all the Sketch Designs show our own work, not images that other people have drawn. Otherwise there is no sense that we are re-designing the site. Please could you therefore redo your Sketch Design for the Community Garden. You could take the image that's already in the presentation and copy it if you think that's easiest (please look at the presentation on the Skydrive to see which this is - this was definitely the best of the three images you sent through last week).

- Amend the presentation in light of our discussions today and change the script to captions.
- Slot any new work into the presentation
- Pull the script together and allocate sections. 
- SUDS Sketch Design. 
- Send Steavie list of habitats we used for our habitat plans of the whole area. 
- Send Steavie the original image to illustrate the 'circulation' theme so that the colours can be changed.

 And finally:

- Who has got the greened-up versions of Lili's two plans i.e. the pedestrian corridor (with new green roofs and the water's edge with green roofs. Jenny has coloured all the roofs in, we just need whoever has the new versions to scan them in and send them to me. 

Think that's it. Sorry for such a long blog post. Please be in touch if anything is unclear - we obviously won't have time to clear anything up on Wednesday!
