Thursday, September 23, 2010

Landscape Architecture at the University of Greenwich

First entry to the new blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone, this is Simon and firstly a big thanks to Jenny for setting up the blog and outlining our first tasks (see Jenny's email 23/09/10).
    We did really well on our first task and I'm really looking forward to the coming weeks and getting to know you all more and having some fun along the way.
    Back to business, our task-specific priorities are to: 1) research different graphic styles to represent our various habitat types - blog thoughts and examples if you like 2) individually gather knowledge about the site using various sources eg googleearth; maps; wikipedia; digimap etc (don't forget to keep references of source material to enable you to share these with the group).
    Our more general priority is: (it goes without saying but here goes anyway) READ THE BRIEF and familiarise yourself with the whole program, aims and outcomes.
    On Wednesday if there's time we have the opportunity to have a general discussion about the program and any queries etc that anyone may have.
    One thought: maybe we should log into the group blog under our own IDs to make contributions from each member clearly identifiable. Let's get Jenny's advice on this on Weds.
