Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meeting Outcomes Wednesday 27/10/10

Hi All,

Firstly, thanks to everyone for all the research contributions which really helped us assess and analyse the site from so many viewpoints. As a result, we were able to discuss, complete and agree to do the following tasks:

*we drew diagrams of -300, present day, +3, +30 and +300 years showing the five elements (Lili will create photoshop images of them)
*we drew a 300 year sketch design
*we drafted a model design (Simon will build this model) 
*we tweaked the slogan to "Enrichment of the Royal Docks"
*we created a draft storyboard and there are related tasks to complete as follows:

There are a number of new tasks associated with the draft storyboard below so look for your name and complete the task for the team as follows:

Storyboard (draft sequence):

*site location slides including Anka's streetmap (Simon to compile)
*diagram of site - present day as five elements (see above - Lili's photoshop image)
*selection of photos showing good aspects of the site (Jenny and Stevie to provide)
*selection of photos showing poor aspects of the site (Athanase and Lili to provide)
*SWOT and Brainstorm feedback which are subsequently addressed in the concept (Anka to compile)
*300 year sketch design drawing (needs to be a photoshop image - Lili?)
*concept model (Simon doing - see above)
*5 images of five elements (Lili's photoshop images - see above)
*B4 and after images (Simon and Stevie already completed)
*Final images - sketches (Lili) and photoshop images (Jenny, Stevie and Athanase's CAD Visualisation project work)

Anka, Lili and Simon will meet on Monday at 10:30 to complete the storyboard. All contributions, mentioned above, must be completed before then!

Thanks again

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