Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meeting tomorrow 7 Oct 2010 11:00 @ Excel

Hi everyone,

Another good day which is particularly satisfying after all our hard work up to this point!

For tomorrow, we have the general project aim "to use your professional skill to make the area a better and more sustainable place". We need to consider all the elements of visual composition of landscape ie buildings, water, vegetation, landform (including massing of buildings) and paving. We have been asked to focus our efforts on the 30 year period.

More specifically we'll need to complete an initial visual survey of our allocated area with the following outputs in mind:

  • slogan
  • review our pre-SWOT from today to highlight the key issues
  • allocate the desk research activities across the team (to include any Unitary Development Plan and Biodiversity Action Plan)
  • individually produce an "eyesore-it" image for discussion later
  • produce a concept model

To help, today's brainstorm produced the following items to consider during the visual survey:

transport nodes; views and vistas; building heights and skyline; noise; pollution; vegetation; landmarks; paving; water; demographics and social use; morphology and topography; land-use; public open spaces; photographic survey; film survey; sketches.

Please refer to the next blog-post for details of todays pre-SWOT. 



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