Thursday, November 11, 2010

Actions following meeting of 10/11/10

Dear all

As discussed we need to provide lots of visual material for next week's powerpoint presentation. He are the tasks that each of us has promised to complete:

Simon - co-ordinating and compiling the powerpoint presentation; 'quick-and-dirty' masterplan

Anka - completing new -300 to +300 year schematic drawings (with Jenny); producing visuals and simple model of Recreation Dock

Jenny - completing new -300 to +300 year schematic drawings (with Anka); producing visuals and simple model of the Conservation Dock; producing visuals (and maybe model) of green bridge

Stevie - providing extra photos (see below)

Athanase - producing a bubble diagram of opportunities; producing visuals and simple model of new green space

Lili - sketches of final proposal - housing (done), greenways, mixed-use buildings, riverside and park network

Please post all your images (jpegs please) to the Storyboard folder on Skydrive. I've already posted the written description of each schematic drawing there to help Jenny and Anka.

Can you all check that the photos mentioned below are on skydrive (if not, upload them now):

Anka - vista picture of Canary Wharf; derelict open spaces; poor quality green spaces; sources of noise pollution - airport, pier road; poor social, economic and ecological conditions; poor architecture

Stevie - people around Excel; photos of school; empty places

Lili - people around Excel

Athanase - poor habitat areas; pollution; dominant road(s)

Does anyone have an image of industrial pollution from the site or can they provide one?

That's all folks


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