Just a quick note for the A&C bootcampers as follows:
the storyboard was very hard to do particularly as Tom pointed out that we didnt have a final concept diagram (a 'picture' of our idea). After some discussion around the years -300 thro to +300 years we concluded that our +300 year concept is to go back to how the landscape was at -300 years! Almost totally green but with the city underneath. Lili's suggestion was that this could be a 'flowery forest'.
We obviously need to discuss and agree this as a group as soon as possible.
Tom suggested that we try and describe each era in a couple of sentences eg. "300 years ago this site was a wet marsh with a spring line ditch". This, he felt, would help us simplify each of the era drawings (which show the 5 main elements).
Once this is done, we can then create a sentence for each of the storyboard slides to create a strong narrative to explain the rationale for our proposal. Supporting images and graphics will then follow but I really dont think we need all the imagery by next Wednesday and I'm sure we have some of it already.
So at the moment, we have a flowery forest concept that stands for the enrichment of the area in a number of respects (economically, socially, naturally, architecturally).
I hope this note helps. So we need to have our storyboard sentences and some images by next Wednesday but hey dont panic!
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