Sunday, December 5, 2010

Summary of this week's activities - w/c 1 December

Hello everyone

Jenny, Steavie and I had a very productive - if very long - meeting this morning via Skype to work out where we are and what still needs to be done. So please see below. 

Just to quickly sum up what we did today and some decisions we have taken:

We ran through the latest version of the presentation slide by slide, amending order / wording where necessary. We also ran through Lili's slides and worked out what we could use in the final presentation and referred to the email that Tom sent through last week to see what else we have to include.

Presentation - overall:

We have decided that we'll produce a new version of the presentation, which removes the script i.e. the exact words that we will be saying and replace these with much shorter and punchier headings / captions. 

We'll produce a separate document using the words presently in the presentation, which will be our script for the day. I'll do both of the above tonight and then post them on the Skydrive so everyone knows where we're at.

Presenting on the day:

We think it's really important that we all get an opportunity to present in the final presentation. Once I've pulled together the whole script, I'll divide it up into sections. I think it's quickest and easiest if I allocate sections for everyone, but if anyone is unhappy with the section they get then we can definitely juggle. So please let me know if you're unhappy. It's important that everyone is comfortable with their section and everyone's clear about what we want to communicate.

You'll then need to more or less learn the script for that section by heart (i.e. word for word) so that we can be sure that we're saying exactly what we want to say, and importantly, so that we don't run over the 7 minutes.

Creating a bit of drama/theatre on the day(!):

Jenny has had the brainwave that we should look like serious, professional designers when we present, so that we can convincingly play to the role of trying to sell the idea to clients. Therefore, please come dressed in your SMARTEST, BUSINESS SUIT on the day. We need to power-dress! If you don't have a suit then please wear the smartest outfit you would wear to an office... 

Jenny has found the music to The Apprentice, which will accompany our entrance for the presentation. Whilst this is playing we will pull out Simon's brick (dramatically) and each  place some moss around it so that it is transformed from a semi-naked state to one of full green dress. We will then pour some water into the brick. And, that's as theatrical as we're getting. 

If anyone has a brief case they don't mind pulling the brick out of then please let me know. If not I can use my laptop case (and give it a good wash afterwards!)

On Wednesday:

We're going to have to practise running through the presentation several times on Wednesday morning to check we're running to time.

We will also need to insert the music into the presentation as well as cut a clip from our CAD vis film on Wednesday morning to insert.

PLEASE MEET AT 9.00AM IN THE SOUTH STUDIO. Please make sure you arrive on time as we all need to be there to be able to do anything. 

Please see below for everyone's tasks. Please could you try to complete your tasks and get the new materials to me before close of play Tuesday so that I can insert them into the presentation. 

- Cost plan
- Amendments to five element plans, as explained by Tom a couple of weeks ago (at least it'll be the very last time!)
- Modify +300 years model that already made (we thought it would be good to include this as our morphology model, explaining that few changes have been made to the morphology of the site. We don't think we've got time to produce another model at this stage). Perhaps it just needs a new Recreation Dock area (I think I saw you dismantling that area) and anything else you can think of in light of the vision plan. Certainly don't want this to be much work for you and we can use the photos of the first iteration of the model if you'd prefer.
- Sketch design for canals from docks as described in last blog entry - do you have time for this? If not I can just take a photo of my Recreation Dock model which had some canals leading off it.
- We think you produced the Vision Plan with Lili last week? Please could you write the script to accompany it and send it to me to slot into the overall script. I'm happy to write the caption after that, unless you'd like to as you know the main points.

- + 30 years Vision Plan. (We're assuming the Vision Plan from your presentation is for +300 years but we definitely need one for +30 years also).
- Put green roofs on both Vision Plans (i.e. +30 and +300 years) to clearly illustrate the idea of the 'flowering forest'. Please send your greened Vision Plan for +300 years to Jenny as soon as possible as she'll need this to produce her location slides (see below).
- Include a connecting green bridge from the Greenwich Penninsula (O2) to the Recreation Dock on your 300+ year Vision Plan (we are mentioning this later in the presentation - see Steavie's slide with the train link).
- Ideally, we would also like an existing site plan in the same style as your Vision Plans, but know you're under time pressure this week. Therefore, if you have time please do produce this. If you don't have time, please could you produce a slide for the presentation which simply has the same Google map image that you've got behind your Vision Plan. We can use that.

- Produce one slide per element, using the +300 year Vision Plan as a base to show where each of the interventions are taking place.
- Download Apprentice music.

- Find new images to accompany each of the key 5 opportunities.  You can send these to me once you've selected them and I'll add them to the presentation.
- Habitat plan. This will cover the Ecology Dock, will run through the new residential area south of the Ecology Dock and will cover the area to the Thames and into the Thames.  

- Redo Sketch Design for the Community Garden. We feel it's important that all the Sketch Designs show our own work, not images that other people have drawn. Otherwise there is no sense that we are re-designing the site. Please could you therefore redo your Sketch Design for the Community Garden. You could take the image that's already in the presentation and copy it if you think that's easiest (please look at the presentation on the Skydrive to see which this is - this was definitely the best of the three images you sent through last week).

- Amend the presentation in light of our discussions today and change the script to captions.
- Slot any new work into the presentation
- Pull the script together and allocate sections. 
- SUDS Sketch Design. 
- Send Steavie list of habitats we used for our habitat plans of the whole area. 
- Send Steavie the original image to illustrate the 'circulation' theme so that the colours can be changed.

 And finally:

- Who has got the greened-up versions of Lili's two plans i.e. the pedestrian corridor (with new green roofs and the water's edge with green roofs. Jenny has coloured all the roofs in, we just need whoever has the new versions to scan them in and send them to me. 

Think that's it. Sorry for such a long blog post. Please be in touch if anything is unclear - we obviously won't have time to clear anything up on Wednesday!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Summary of this week's activities - w/c 24 November

Hi everyone

I think we're all clear but here are the tasks each of us has offered to take on this week.

1) Masterplans for +30 and +300 years with Lili.
2) Sketch design showing canals running from docks. Perhaps the canals could become irrigation channels leading from the tranquility dock to the commercial urban agriculture site, with on-site reedbeds to clean the water? My SUDS sketch design could then show similar principles, though different techniques used on a smaller, residential scale?

Masterplans for +30 and +300 years with Simon.

1) Sketch design illustrating the theme of urban agriculture in relation to fish-farming in one of the lakes running from the recovered spring-line. This needs to show fish-farming at a commercial scale, rather than individuals fishing (which I'll add to my sketch design for the Recreation Dock).
2) Model of the Thames river edge, showing how access to the Thames has improved and the benefits that this offers i.e. green space running along Thames serving as a shady promenade, viewing platforms offering vistas of the river, housing positioned so that they have good views of the river...
3) Redraw sketch designs for:
a) community garden: I'd suggest including people working together / enjoying the space, as the lack of community spirit is one of the failings we've identified for the site. Perhaps you could include housing that looks similar (e.g. posh social housing) so it's clear that it's people from the same housing complex are using the garden.
b) commercial urban agriculture: Following discussions with Benz I'd suggest that permaculture is shown to be just a small part of the farm, show-casing the latest techniques (so part of the sketch needs to show some animals - Benz suggested chickens as these are small and can easily be accommodated within the limits of an urban space). Perhaps you could include a stall in the sketch, showing how the produce is sold at the farm gate, directly to members of the community. 

1) Sketch design showing new architectural styles that we would like to introduce. Perhaps you could illustrate both buildings for commercial use and for residential use and how these can be combined within the same building. This will not only cover off both building types but will also back up our argument for mixed-use areas rather than strong zoning of areas in terms of land use.
2) Model illustrating green roofs, green walls, green bridges.

1) Model and sketch for culverted road and running between the docks and new viewing platform over the docks.
2) Modify some of this week's sketch designs in light of Tom's comments.

1) Habitat plan for Ecology Dock area and borders of Thames. 
2) SUDs sketch design.
3) Re-structure storyboard.

Outstanding tasks:
Cost plan
Plan of existing site

And I hope you all get some well-deserved sleep!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bogged down in the Docks - meeting 17/11/10

Hi All,

Another set of challenges today inspired by Tom. 'Expect the unexpected' might be an appropriate phrase.

I'll continue to work on the 5 elements until we have something that Tom is happy with. I'll follow his suggestions 'to the letter' and show and tell to the group. I'll also tweak the storyboard to reflect the comments so far and this can hopefully sit in the background until its needed while we work on other more pressing tasks.

So moving forward everyone should come to the class next week with sketches of the site in 300 years time (and 30 years if you wish) that show the 5 elements of the site - so sketches of riverside use, dockside use, housing, commercial and industrial buildings, greenways, landscape (greenrooves, green bridges, streets, parks, agriculture) and landform. There is plenty of reference material around (see indicative reading in the brief) to inspire.

We can look at these designs next week and discuss the vision plan that Lili is producing for us. All this should help with modelling the site which we can do once we have settled on a final vision plan and designs.

In addition to sketches, there were some specific actions for individuals as follows:

Lili - a vision plan
Simon - 5 elements diagrams, tweak then upload the storyboard to skydrive
Athanase - 2 powerpoint slides on history and some sketches of the site showing its history

If anyone wants to bring additional models that would be very helpful as the brief refers to models at this stage in the program. Also, if anyone has experience of cost plans it would be helpful if they could share this with the group.

Stevie could not make the meeting because he was looking for new accomodation so i'll discuss the work with him ahead of next week.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hi All,
Hope you will satisfy with above images. this would be the last vision of diagram maps. Let's spend time on view plan, sketch design, and sections etc, lots of works that we have started.
Good Luck

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Actions following meeting of 10/11/10

Dear all

As discussed we need to provide lots of visual material for next week's powerpoint presentation. He are the tasks that each of us has promised to complete:

Simon - co-ordinating and compiling the powerpoint presentation; 'quick-and-dirty' masterplan

Anka - completing new -300 to +300 year schematic drawings (with Jenny); producing visuals and simple model of Recreation Dock

Jenny - completing new -300 to +300 year schematic drawings (with Anka); producing visuals and simple model of the Conservation Dock; producing visuals (and maybe model) of green bridge

Stevie - providing extra photos (see below)

Athanase - producing a bubble diagram of opportunities; producing visuals and simple model of new green space

Lili - sketches of final proposal - housing (done), greenways, mixed-use buildings, riverside and park network

Please post all your images (jpegs please) to the Storyboard folder on Skydrive. I've already posted the written description of each schematic drawing there to help Jenny and Anka.

Can you all check that the photos mentioned below are on skydrive (if not, upload them now):

Anka - vista picture of Canary Wharf; derelict open spaces; poor quality green spaces; sources of noise pollution - airport, pier road; poor social, economic and ecological conditions; poor architecture

Stevie - people around Excel; photos of school; empty places

Lili - people around Excel

Athanase - poor habitat areas; pollution; dominant road(s)

Does anyone have an image of industrial pollution from the site or can they provide one?

That's all folks


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Concept Model - a model to explain our idea

Let me know what you think...

The 'frog' of the brick is full of water (like the dock) and the rest of the surface is covered with moss. There would have been more moss all around the brick but I couldnt find anymore. By the way, the London Brick Company went into decline during the 1960s after being a dominant manufacturer.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

one of sketch designs for our slogan-Enrichment around the royal docks

This is another drawing we have produced last week. Just an imaginary of 300years forwards the royal docks, where all covered by various vegetation.

Maps for -300 to 300years

Hi, There
please have a look these maps, this is what we produced last week, they are not a final one,  will be revised after group meeting.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meeting of 3/11/10

Just a quick note for the A&C bootcampers as follows:

the storyboard was very hard to do particularly as Tom pointed out that we didnt have a final concept diagram (a 'picture' of our idea). After some discussion around the years -300 thro to +300 years we concluded that our +300 year concept is to go back to how the landscape was at -300 years! Almost totally green but with the city underneath. Lili's suggestion was that this could be a 'flowery forest'.

We obviously need to discuss and agree this as a group as soon as possible. 

Tom suggested that we try and describe each era in a couple of sentences eg. "300 years ago this site was a wet marsh with a spring line ditch". This, he felt, would help us simplify each of the era drawings (which show the 5 main elements).

Once this is done, we can then create a sentence for each of the storyboard slides to create a strong narrative to explain the rationale for our proposal. Supporting images and graphics will then follow but I really dont think we need all the imagery by next Wednesday and I'm sure we have some of it already.

So at the moment, we have a flowery forest concept that stands for the enrichment of the area in a number of respects (economically, socially, naturally, architecturally).   

I hope this note helps. So we need to have our storyboard sentences and some images by next Wednesday but hey dont panic!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birds-eye Before and After

Dear All

Hope you like this cheesy comparison. More model pix on skydrive in the photos folder called 'Concept Model III'. Please note that a further concept model is expected - this is not the final version!!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Site photos for "Ugly" aspect

landscape within this area is not fully developed, the site are mainly used by industry and engineering works and residents buildings, lots of wasted areas.
The concept of Green London is not only about how much trees they are planted, it is also point to a diversity of habitats, the benefits to human life, and influences for future generations, etc.. Above site photo seems does not achieved that aims, so that is why I think this area is "ugly".
Our new slogan "Enrichment around Royal docks" (Tom revised it) is a perfect concept to develop this area.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meeting Outcomes Wednesday 27/10/10

Hi All,

Firstly, thanks to everyone for all the research contributions which really helped us assess and analyse the site from so many viewpoints. As a result, we were able to discuss, complete and agree to do the following tasks:

*we drew diagrams of -300, present day, +3, +30 and +300 years showing the five elements (Lili will create photoshop images of them)
*we drew a 300 year sketch design
*we drafted a model design (Simon will build this model) 
*we tweaked the slogan to "Enrichment of the Royal Docks"
*we created a draft storyboard and there are related tasks to complete as follows:

There are a number of new tasks associated with the draft storyboard below so look for your name and complete the task for the team as follows:

Storyboard (draft sequence):

*site location slides including Anka's streetmap (Simon to compile)
*diagram of site - present day as five elements (see above - Lili's photoshop image)
*selection of photos showing good aspects of the site (Jenny and Stevie to provide)
*selection of photos showing poor aspects of the site (Athanase and Lili to provide)
*SWOT and Brainstorm feedback which are subsequently addressed in the concept (Anka to compile)
*300 year sketch design drawing (needs to be a photoshop image - Lili?)
*concept model (Simon doing - see above)
*5 images of five elements (Lili's photoshop images - see above)
*B4 and after images (Simon and Stevie already completed)
*Final images - sketches (Lili) and photoshop images (Jenny, Stevie and Athanase's CAD Visualisation project work)

Anka, Lili and Simon will meet on Monday at 10:30 to complete the storyboard. All contributions, mentioned above, must be completed before then!

Thanks again

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Research +

I've tried to bundle subjects so that they (mostly) link with your existing survey topics (but its not possible in every case) as follows:

Simon -climate/ microclimate/ pollution/ topography/ elevation/ direction of slopes/ drainage/ watershed
Anka - vegetation/ common species/ BAP flora/ geology and soils
Jenny - sights/ sounds/ views and vistas/ major structures ie significant buildings, bridges, pylons
Lili - site character (beautiful/ugly); quality of architecture/common fauna/ BAP fauna
Stevie - panaramic pictures/ land-use/ man-made deposits and contamination/ derelict land/ surface water (open water and rivers), vehicle routes, train lines, canals
Athanase - materiality/ maintainance/ history/ social history/ population distribution/

I'm going to go through the Unitary Development Plan and try and summarise the current thrust of Newham Council's Policy for the site. If I can map some of this, I will.

I've ignored subterranean services (gas, electricity etc) as this information is notoriously difficult to obtain. I feel its not a priority in terms of our project brief - hope all this is OK.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries. Mobile phone is probably best.



Summary of group activities following 20 October class

Before we move onto our next iteration of the sketch design we need to complete our survey work
I've posted a plan of our site onto the Skydrive (UDP - base map for survey data). Please use this as a base plan and produce your survey drawings on tracing paper at A3 size. At our next meeting we can then overlay our traces to work out our sketch design. 

Everyone needs to produce 2 plans - one representing the present day, one representing 300 years ago. Simon has listed in an earlier post the aspect of the site you need to concentrate on (I think everyone should be clear about this!).

Once you have completed your maps please post them onto the blog - we can then all have a think about how we want to move forward with the sketch design before Wednesday's meeting.

Things we need to consider when revising our sketch design include: 
Vistas through docks
Morphology, visual links
Hydrology (islands?)
Physical links - bridges, circulation routes
Simon, I've looked through all the posts on the blog and can't find any information about the desk research we need to do (Unitary Development Plan / Bio-diversity Action Plan etc). Please could you post this onto the blog and give us all a task to do!

Revise SWOT to produce a more succinct version.
Produce a SWOT diagram for key points (following survey work for accuracy).

Produce Google earth image at A3.

Our next meeting is at 10.00am Wednesday in our usual location under the stairs at Avery Hill.

Thanks, Anka 


Monday, October 18, 2010

Ink drawings

Hello all,

I hope you don't mind but I've done some ink drawings/paintings (one for 30 and one for 300 years). They are not very beautiful (like lili's fabulous ink drawings from last year) but I think they say something useful about our land use over 30 to 300 years. I'll bring them along on Wednesday for you to see if you want to use them.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eyesore it---post your photos here

Hi All,
please post relevant photos below, should be easier to print out all photos together on Wednesday's morning. please also upload editable file on Skydive, in case, we need to use the original file.
The title for this image should be THE RIVER BANK, 
then Stevie say: 'the river is lack of good views !'

Concept Diagram

Hi All
I finished the 30 year's concept diagram drawing, just added the information what I remembered,   please
please make comments!!!!! reminds me what information should add to the map and what is most important!  so that I can renew this map by end of Tue.

Also, I apologize for the map made in photoshop, it was supposed to do with Ink paper, but I really tried  several times then failed all the time....  I uploaded the ink paper drawing below, which I did it in last year, let's see if it is worth to try again.-------Lili

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Just in case you didnt have enough to do its important that we each continue to research and analyse different aspects of the site. This will help us with the new design and demonstrate a deeper knowledge. When we met last Thursday, we each took on the responsibility of collecting data as follows:

Stevie - panaramic pictures of the places we visited and their function
Simon - climate and microclimates
Jenny - context such as sights, views and sounds
Anka - vegetation
Lili - character of the different places (are they beautiful, ugly?)
Antanase - materiality

Mark was doing circulation and movement so hopefully he'll be able to contribute something on this or else we pick it up ourselves.

Its important that each person, if asked, can provide information on their given topic and substantiate their comments with some evidence.



Ink drawing guideline zones for Lili

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Latest Action Plan 13/10/10

Dear all, a positive session today with a warm response to our concept and slogan. Next week there's a crit where we promote our concept to a group of stakeholders. To do this we agreed to complete particular tasks as follows:
  • EACH TEAM MEMBER must caption an 'eyesore-it' image (see brief for details) and add to Skydrive.
  • Jenny and Lili - ink-based concept drawing (30 years and 300 years)
  • Simon and Stevie - photoshop images of temporary art installations
  • Anka - to write up the SWOT results
  • Simon - print A3 image(s) of todays model
We have also agreed to meet at 10:00 next Wednesday (usual place) to build a new concept model. To be able to do this, EACH PERSON should bring lots and lots of multi-coloured, and textured, objects eg lego, pasta, bits of plastic, coloured paper, material etc etc. Don't forget our slogan is "Flooding the Royal Docks with colour" and the model needs to show this.
We'll also need to draw another 'bubble' diagram for the site based on 300 years next Wednesday. 
As its a CRIT its really important that we each do our best to make our concept understandable, exciting and persuasive (it needs to appeal to all the various 'stakeholders').  
Feel free to comment if you think I've missed something or you want to add something that will help us complete the task successfully.

I thought our model looked really good today - maybe we can make next weeks look even better!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Summary of group activities following 6 October class


1) Everyone to produce 2 or 3 modules for our concept model, based on artists/architects from 1855 (to be made into a single model during the lunchtime meeting on Wednesday).
2) Everyone to think of a slogan to communicate the concept (to be discussed as a group during the lunchtime meeting on Wednesday).
3) Everyone to produce an Eyesore-It, as outlined in the project brief (to be discussed as a group during the lunchtime meeting on Wednesday). To make this easier for everyone, please upload your best photos from Thursday's site visit onto the Skydrive as soon as possible. We will then have a larger pool of images showing what is wrong with the design of the site to choose from. As only one Eyesore-It image is required per group I'd suggest trying to link it to our concept in some way i.e. showing how areas of the site lack a clear character / how the site is disconnected. We can then demonstrate how our concept has arisen from our perception of the site's design flaws.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Art movements and architectural styles

Hello all, 

So, please find below a list of art movements and architectural styles (since 1855 when the royal docks were first opened) to use as an inspiration for our conceptual model. 

Please select two or three ideas to build as a model 'square' . Think about the movement/style in general or an artist/architect connected with Britain to inspire you. Do some research about them online or in books and then build your model in their style. 

It is a concept model so your model square can be abstract and not really convey real buildings or things or places.

VERY IMPORTANT! Leave a comment on this blog post to say which ones you are doing so we don't double up

Reminder of model base size: 21cm x 21cm. 
Max model height : 21cm

Model squares can be as full or empty, high or low as you wish. Try and be creative and use interesting, diverse materials and techniques to make your squares.

Please try and do three model squares if you can and bring them on Wednesday to the normal group work space (underneath the stairs/underneath reception) at 12:30 so we can assemble our model as a group.


Victorian Architecture
1840 to 1900 AD Industrialization brought many innovations in architecture. Victorian styles include Gothic Revival, Italianate, Stick, Eastlake, Queen Anne, Romanesque and Second Empire.
Arts and Crafts Movement in Architecture1860 to 1900 AD Arts and Crafts was a late 19th-century backlash against the forces of industrialization. The Arts and Crafts movement revived an interest in handicrafts and sought a spiritual connection with the surrounding environment, both natural and manmade. The Craftsman Bungalow evolved from the Arts and Crafts movement.
Art Nouveau Architecture1890 to 1914 AD Known as the New Style, Art Nouveau was first expressed in fabrics and graphic design. The style spread to architecture and furniture in the 1890s. Art Nouveau buildings often have asymmetrical shapes, arches and decorative surfaces with curved, plant-like designs.
Beaux Arts Architecture1895 to 1925 AD Also known as Beaux Arts Classicism, Academic Classicism, or Classical Revival, Beaux Arts architecture is characterized by order, symmetry, formal design, grandiosity, and elaborate ornamentation.
Neo-Gothic Architecture1905 to 1930 AD In the early twentieth century, medieval Gothic ideas were applied to modern skyscrapers.
Art Deco Architecture1925 to 1937 AD Zigzag patterns and vertical lines create dramatic effect on jazz-age, Art Deco buildings.
20th Century Trends in Architecture1900 to Present. The century has seen dramatic changes and astonishing diversity. Twentieth century trends include Art Moderne and the Bauhaus school coined by Walter Gropius, Deconstructivism, Formalism, Modernism, Structuralism, and Postmodernism.



Romanticism - 1800-1880
Realism - 1830s-1870
The Pre-Raphaelites - 1848-1854
Impressionism - 1863-ca. 1885

Neo-Impressionism - 1886-1906
Post-Impressionism - 1886-1905
Symbolism - 1880-early 1900s
Synthetism - late 1880s-early 1890s
Tonalism - 1880-1920

Expressionism - 1890-1939
Fauvism - ca. 1898-ca. 1908
Secession - 1890s-early 1900s

Art Nouveau - 1905-1939
Cubism - 1907-Present
Cubo-Expressionism - 1909-1921
Futurism - 1909-1939

Bauhaus - 1919-1933
Biomorphism - 1915-1940s
Brabant Fauvism - ca. 1910-1923
Camden Town Group - 1911-1914
(Russian) Constructivism - 1914-early 1930s
Cubo-Futurism - 1912-1915
Dada - Dadaism - 1916-1923
Formism - 1917-1922
London Group - 1913-1930s
Neo-primitivism - 1910-1914
Purism - 1918-1926
Rayism - 1912-15
Suprematism - 1915- mid-1920s
Synchronism - 1913-ca. 1916
Vorticism - 1914-1920

Art Deco - 1920s-1930s
Constructivism - 1920s-Present
Magic Realism - 1920s-1940s
Precisionism - 1920s-1940s
Rhythm Group - 1922-1932
Surrealism - 1922-1939
Verism - 1920s-ca. 1930

1930 - WWII

Concrete Art - 1930-ca. 1960
(The) Euston Road School - 1937- mid-1970s
Neo-Romanticism - 1930s-1950s

1945 - Post-War

Abstract Expressionism - mid-1940s -Present


Hard-Edge Painting - late 1950s-Present
(The) Kitchen Sink School - 1950s
Matter Painting - 1950s-Present
Neo-Dada - 1950s
Pop Art - mid-1950s –Present
Situationism - 1957-early 1970s


Conceptual Art - 1960s–Present
Junk Art - 1960s-Present
Land Art - late 1960s-early 1970s
Mechanical Art - 1962-65
Minimalism - 1960s-Present
Post-Minimalism - late 1960s-1970s


Post-Modernism - 1970s-mid 1980s
Ugly Realism - 1970s
Neo-Conceptualism - late 1970s-Present
Neo-Expressionism - late 1970s-1980s
Bad Painting - late 1970s-early 1980s

Graffiti Movement - 1980s-Present
BritArt / Young British Artists ("yBa") - 1988-Present
Neo-Pop - late 1980s-Present


Net Art - early 1990s-Present
Massurrealism - early 1990s-Present

Toyism - 1992-Present
Lowbrow - ca. 1994-Present
Bitterism - 1998-Present
Stuckism - 1999-Present


Thinkism - September 12, 2001-Present
Funism - ca. 2002-Present